Voucher $100

Voucher $100


Voucher Image

Vouchers Terms and Conditions

  • All e-vouchers vouchers bought at Cultivar Asia are subjected to a set of terms of conditions, which we reserve the right to change without prior notice.
  • All e-vouchers are valid for the offset of staffing services at Cultivar Asia in Singapore, unless otherwise stated.
  • All e-vouchers are limited to one voucher per transaction only, and are not valid for reimbursement costs such as MOM’s work pass application and issuance cost, that is to be reimbursed from client.
  • E-vouchers are not exchangeable for cash.
  • Photocopied e-vouchers are not acceptable.
  • Amount of e-voucher must be fully utilised at the point of service request. Any unused amount will not be refunded.
  • Extension will not be given to expired e-vouchers.
  • Cultivar Asia will not be responsible for replacing any lost or stolen e-vouchers.
  • Cultivar Asia reserves the right to amend validity date of e-vouchers or reject e-vouchers in order to protect the interests of the company or under circumstances of abuse.
  • For further enquiries, please email to